1st Year

Welcome to the university of Oradea, faculty of medicine and pharmacy!

Anatomy and Embryology




Cellular and molecular biology

Deontology Bioethics


Romanian language

... more at previous years folder....

Check out new student scripts!

do you have others or made some yourselve? share with us!

Welcome brochure by ISOmed - download as PDF

here you find a pdf file - just print, fill and done is your letter of request!

The letter of request is necessary if you ask for certificates or any kind of document from our secretary.


A subject missing? something not going right? let us know (oradea.medpo@gmail.com) or tell your year chief!

Clicking on one of the pictures will forward you directly to google drive. The content was uploaded by the corresponding year chief and therefore we assume no liability of any uploaded materials in all matters. The letter of request is an example you might use to make at least the paperwork a little more professional.