- It is the administrative centre of Bihor county
- 2016 estimated population: >220,000 inhabitants
- "the little Paris" because of its architectural charm of the "bell époque"
- Many buildings are renovated/under renovation so the city in fact keeps getting more and more beautiful
- has well known spas
- Baile Felix and 1 May with thermal water rich in sulphur, sodium, calcium, bicarbonate...
- they have curing properties especially for bone, joint, muscle pain and more and are therefore attracting health tourists
- This area is civilized since 1150 B.C. by Thracians but it was named Varadinum (lat. Oradea) back then
- The Fortress was build around 1090 and destroyed by the Tartars in 1241
- 1100-1300: important centre of the catholic church of the Roman-Catholic Bishop under the reign of King Ladislas the first
- 1660-1692 Turkish rulership, rebuilt & fortification of the fortress
- 1692 annexation to the Habsburg empire
- early 20th century:
- City hall was built
- electricity, water and waste water network was installed
- asphalted streets
- October 12th, 1944 Austrian-Hungarian occupation ended with the liberation by Romanian and Soviet troops
- December 1989's revolution ended the communist rulership which is celebrated on 1st of December